Fotos promo- Promotional pictures
"Never told you this before..." All the Cream

All the Cream portada EP "Never told you this before..." - FyN-26 - Flor y  Nata Records - 2007
foto promo All the cream- Never told you this before... - FyN-26 - Flor y Nata Records
5,08 x 5,08 cms - 300 ppp - rgb
353 kb - portada EP
9,23 x 10,16 cms - 300 ppp - rgb
682 kb - vertical
foto promo All the cream- Never told you this before... - FyN-26 - Flor y Nata Records
foto promo All the cream- Never told you this before... - FyN-26 - Flor y Nata Records
10,16 x 6,75 cms - 300 ppp - rgb
585 kb - apaisada
10,16 x 6,75 cms - 300 ppp - rgb
505 kb - apaisada
foto promo All the cream- Never told you this before... - FyN-26 - Flor y Nata Records
10,16 x 6,75 cms - 300 ppp - rgb
548 kb - apaisada
Flor y Nata Records - inicio